Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Last Issue of This Blog - Not on your Life

It is with great sadness we announce that this is the Last Issue of this Blog. We asked Bob Yacknowitz AKA Cabbage Head to write this issue but he declined. Since he is running for a seat on the Board, he felt it would be unfair to the other candidates. We wish him well.

But there is good news. This Blog has been replaced by our new website >>>> www.TheUncovered And hopefully it(the website) will meet it's demise after the Election in May.

The people of Covered Bridge spoke loudly at the March 25 Open meeting. The Ignorance of the Bylaws and the contempt for the people must stop now. And when Our Candidates are elected, Covered Bridge will be returned to the people. We believe Democracy will also be restored to the community. And we can get back to the business of making Covered Bridge the jewel of Monmouth County.

We have a tough road ahead. There are serious infrastructure issues that have continued to be hidden and ignored by the present Board for the last 3 years. By some estimates, we are 1,000,000 dollars in the whole and climbing. The Landscaping alone must be 500,000 dollars in the hole and every year we lose more and more lawn. And the Recreational facilities are a disaster. Can we continue to hide everything with MULCH. Our mulch bill this year must have tripled. And by next year at this time most of it will have washed away.

There was even a rumor going around the Board ordered a 100 Tons of Mulch to bury 32 Meadow Green Circle. Everyone knows what they want to hide there!!!

It's time for a Real change in Covered Bridge. We need more than just the Saturday night parties. By electing our candidates, we believe Covered Bridge will finally start on the road to restoration. We believe our candidates have the knowledge and the vision to help pave a new road to the future.(Instead of just paving Parking Lots that don't need paving). And we believe they can do it, without raising maintenance significantly over the next 5 years. Instead of holding maintenance down by ignoring or hiding everything.

So vote for our candidates on May 19, 2009. And thanks for watching. It's been fun!!!! And visit us in our new home >>>